3 Day Prayer For Our Children
REMINDER 3-Day Prayer Points For Our Children starts Wednesday, May 25th, 2022 https://bit.ly/3DayPrayerForChildren SHARE WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS
REMINDER 3-Day Prayer Points For Our Children starts Wednesday, May 25th, 2022 https://bit.ly/3DayPrayerForChildren SHARE WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS
SCRIPTURE READING: PRO 20:24; I COR 2:9; ISA 46:10; JER 1:5; NUM 23:19; PS 37:37; CONFESSION: The Lord God of heaven and earth, the mighty One who does great and wonderful things without number. The One who alone stretched out the heaven like a curtain, You make the clouds Your chariots and You ride upon the wings of the wind. The winds are Your messengers and flames of fire are Your servants. You alone are God, You alone are the Almighty and Your counsel shall stand. The heavens and the earth may pass away, but none of Your words…
SCRIPTURE READING: PS 126:1-6; JOEL 2:25-26; ISA 61:7; ZECH 9:12; AMOS 9:14; PS 30:5; CONFESSION: Father Lord I am deeply grateful for the operations of Your mercies in my life. I know I can never have a complete picture of what You have done for me since I came into this world. I know I may never know all the battles You have fought and won on my behalf. I know I will never know how much the blood of Jesus has done for me. I know that I may never know what it costs You O Lord to…
SCRIPTURE READING: PS 40:1-3; ISA 42:10-13; EX 15:1-21; ZEPH 3:17; JER 31:4; PS 98:1-6; CONFESSION: It is with a grateful heart that I approach Your throne of grace and mercy today. I am glad that You chose me to be among those that will graciously cross into this new and glorious year. My heart is filled with joy and my soul is so happy for I am convinced that the very purpose for which You have brought me into this year shall be fulfilled, in the name of Jesus. I believe without any shadow of a doubt that this…
7 Days Prayer For The Children Download PDF Copy CONFESSION: Father of grace and glory, unto You I have come to bow down in worship for all You have done and are still doing. The Bible says that children are Your heritage, and the fruit of the womb is a reward. I thank You for trusting me with the children You have given me. I am grateful unto You for the grace to make them know You. I thank You for the provisions You have blessed me with to be able to provide for them. And especially, I am…
CONFESSION: Today, I bring my offering of praise and thanksgiving again to the Only One worthy of all praise and exaltation. The Only One whom the heavens and earth adore. The One that sits upon His everlasting throne ruling over all the affairs of men according to His divine purpose. I bow down before Your majesty and I proclaim You as the Lord again and again over my life, in the name of Jesus. Your grace O Lord has covered my faults and rewarded my efforts. I am what I am today by Your grace. I have what I…
CONFESSION: Father Lord I thank You because the power that raised Jesus from the dead is resident in me. I am grateful because You love me exactly the way You loved Father Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I am so thrilled to know that I am an heir of the covenant You made with Abraham. Thank You for forgiving me through the sacrifice of Jesus and not through the shedding of animal blood. Thank You for sending Your angels to fight for me just as You did for the children of Israel in the Bible. I am grateful for all…
CONFESSION: O Lord my God how great You are. Honor and majesty are Your robe. You cover Yourself with light like a garment. You stretch out heaven like a curtain and laid the foundations of the earth so that it should not be moved forever. You who parted the Red Sea like a drapery. You brought forth water for Your children in the wilderness from a rock. You made Manna rain down from heaven like water. You were a Cloud to navigate them in the day and a Pillar of fire in the night. What a mighty God You…
CONFESSION: From age to age Father Lord You remain the same. You are still the faithful God You were to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob today. You are still performing the same wonders You performed of old today. You are still blessing Your children as in time past. You are still delivering from captivity and restoring stolen fortunes. You are still transforming lives, lifting people from dunghill, and making them to sit with princes. You are still raising the dead and opening the eyes of the blind. You are just an awesome God with endless possibilities, and I am grateful…
CONFESSION: What a mighty God is our God, who does great and marvelous things without number. The Bible says You are the same yesterday, today and forever. You do not change and that is why we are not consumed. Your faithful love does not end, and Your mercies do not cease. You have chosen to load me with fresh benefits everyday, because Your mercies begins afresh each morning. I am forever grateful for calling me Your own. Where would I be without You in my life. You are the only inheritance I have in the land of the living.…