RESTART, our new believer’s ministry, is designed to get you connected to the people and vision of CFAN-Chicago and assist you in taking the next steps of your new decision! If you have made a new commitment to Jesus Christ or have rededicated your life, RESTART will give you the information you need to equip you and help you reach your next level in Jesus Christ.
RESTART, although brief, is an impacting, powerful class designed specifically for you and your new life! For more information, stop by the information booth in the foyer and we’ll be happy to assist you in this process. Feel free to call, write or email us for more detailed information at:
Christian Fellowship for All Nations, Inc.
4750 N. Sheridan Rd. – Suite 300
Chicago, IL 60640

Evangelism Ministry
It was in light of His absolute, sovereign authority that Jesus commanded, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations.” For Christians at large we understand this as the ‘Great Commission’, and here at CFAN the Evangelism Ministry is one of the numerous tools the church uses to continue, promote, and achieve this important part of our lives as Christians. In this ministry we do this on a daily basis as we continue to interact with believers and non believers alike. This is an on going work that requires the service of every believer. As such, we welcome every believer into this ministry as we all continue to teach and promulgate that which our Lord had commanded
Our Goals
- Spread and share the Gospel of Jesus with everyone, in our daily lives.
- Encourage and offer tools or resources, within our means, to fellow brethren in spreading the Gospel These we do as a group and also on personal levels
Our Mission
The Great Commission is a command to bring unbelievers throughout the world to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and the term the Lord uses in this commissioning is make disciples. The true convert is a disciple, a person who has accepted and submitted himself to Jesus Christ, whatever that may mean or demand. The truly converted person is filled with the Holy Spirit and given a new nature that yearns to obey and worship the Lord who has saved him. Even when he is disobedient, he knows he is living against the grain of his new nature, which is to honor and please the Lord. He loves righteousness and hates sin, including his own. This is our main focus in evangelism ministry: as we promulgate the gospel, that the Lord Jesus will give you this new living experience that you may also share with others.
Scriptures: Mark 8:35; 16:15, Mathew 28:18-20, and many more validates evangelism
- Mofolorunso O; 773 556 6659
- Olapeju L; 773 709 7191
- Wilford N; 773 679 4000

G-Force Ministry
The G-Force as our teens ministry is popularly known with the slogan “Bold and Strong” is just the right place to nurture them with one goal in mind; to achieve God’s plan for their lives. The ministry is designed to ensure that our youth ages 12-18 are taught the word of God in truth, and we also teach them how to apply this very word in everyday decision making with the help of the Holy Spirit. Our programs are implemented in a such a way that is fun and healthy for them.
We teach them, using the Bible,
- The elementary principles of everyday Christian living.
- How to have and develop relationship with the Triune God.
- The need to grow in the way and admonition of God.
- One of our objectives is to empower our teens to discover their talents and giftings by involving them in activities such as dancing, singing, drama, instruments playing, creative writings, and to present such activities to the adult church on occasions such as the Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Children’s Day, and the like.
- We encourage our teens to overcome shyness and develop confidence to present before an audience by rendering programs in the adult church.
- Part of our outreach strategy is to organize programs such as field trips, excursion, picnics, etc. to stimulate their social awareness.
- We give opportunity to our youth to invite their friends to church on our Friendship Day and Cultural Day as part of soul winning strategy for Christ and social development,
- We do fund-raising activities like car wash, candy sales, bake sales for our youth to have a sense of responsibility.
- We encourage our youth to also give back to their community by visiting orphanages, nursing homes, shelters to serve food and give aids to the needy.
- Our proactive role in the education and career development of our teens include workshops that address different careers and occupations with choices of courses to choose at college levels. This is a mentoring program that provides opportunities for our teens to have someone they can approach to guide them in choosing their career pathways.
- We encourage our youth to also give back to their community by visiting orphanages, nursing homes, shelters to serve food and give aids to the needy.
- Our proactive role in the education and career development of our teens include workshops that address different careers and occupations with choices of courses to choose at college levels. This is a mentoring program that provides opportunities for our teens to have someone they can approach to guide them in choosing their career pathways.
- We organize the children during evening service if school is in session to:
- Help with homework during service.
- Share bible stories.
It is our desire that our teens will continue to excel in all areas of life (spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical) as we continue to guide them in this journey.
Our contact information:
- Busoye S- 7739349843
- Blessing A- 3124794992
- Lola I - 7733445326

Hospitality Ministry
Sickness or the death of a loved one is an intense and painful experience for most people. Having the right support makes all of the difference, and CFAN-Chicago’s Hospitality Ministry is in excellent position to help people through the grief cycle. Understanding the Hospitality Ministry will help you to ensure the success of our ministry within the church and the community.
When someone is ill or dies, it is hard to know what to say to comfort family members and friends. The Hospitality Ministry (H) at CFAN-Chicago provides visitation service to people who are or have ill relatives or may have recently experienced the death of a loved one. Members of the H ministry schedule times to provide a ministry of presence to the grieving persons. We don’t need to find the perfect words, but we are available to listen or to hold the hand of the ill or grieving individuals.
Once the flurry of funeral activity dies down and out-of-town guests go home, grieving family members and friends find themselves alone with their grief. Sometimes this period is more difficult than the initial experience of loss because it can be lonely. CFAN-Chicago’s H Ministry makes a point of periodically make hospital visits and by calling to check in with church and community members who have recently experienced the death of a loved one. During phone calls, we’ll ask how the grieving person is doing, how they’re processing their loss, pray with them and perhaps offer to go out to coffee or lunch.
The H Ministry is in a unique position to connect people who have recently lost loved ones with one another. During initial meetings with grieving persons, the ministry volunteers ask whether the grieving individuals would be interested in participating in a grief support group. A support group meets monthly and educates the church and community members on the grief cycle, providing time for sharing and listening, as well as the opportunity for prayer. Sometimes the support groups are hosted by ministry volunteers; other times the H Ministry will hire specially trained counselors to help facilitate the group.
Sometimes people find that tending to their basic food and household needs is too much after the loss of a close loved one. Most people are able to return to much of their normal activities within a few weeks, but often they need help in the meantime. The H Ministry coordinates church volunteers to bring meals to the grieving person, as well as provide basic light housekeeping services for a few weeks. These services allow the grieving person to focus on their grief and get through the initial crisis without having to take care of overwhelming daily tasks.
Just know that at CFAN-Chicago, we really do care!
For more information, please contact us at:
Christian Fellowship For All Nations, Inc.
4750 N. Sheridan Rd. – Suite 300
Chicago, IL 60640

WOW - Women of Wisdom Ministry
Welcome to the Women of Wisdom (WOW) group of Christian Fellowship For All Nations. I started this group as a forum for CFAN women to come together to pray (for ourselves, family, and others), fellowship, and discuss issues prevalent to us. God gave me the scriptures below to keep us focussed on why we meet.
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding. -Proverbs 4:7
The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down. -Proverbs 14:1
The Women of Wisdom group is exclusively to help sisters develop and mature into the virtuous woman God created them to be. The goal is for us to understand God’s purpose for each woman and to pursue that purpose with understanding of the scriptures. The meetings are designed to promote and demonstrate the love of God for each person and to pass it on to others. They are also designed to empower each person to build her home with wisdom from above through the help of the Holy Spirit. Also we encourage authenticity and openness in our discussions to promote togetherness and sisterhood. And we also inspire women to their build self worth and self esteem by focusing on the beauty inside and channeling it outward.
I pray that the Lord himself would give you the wisdom you need to build, repair, or restore your homes to HIS original design.
Thank you and God bless you and yours, in Jesus name, Amen.

Music Ministry
CFAN music department is an extensive aspect of Praise and worship. We are passionate about Christian worship through God's given music skills, creativity, energetic, innovative, and consistently seeking out new ways to realize our mission, vision, core principals and goals. Seeks to worship God through Music and lead people into high praise and worship into His presence and inspire and encourage liberty in worship. Skills requirement: Heart for worship. Possess fundamental Skills and Knowledge of singing. Must be self-motivated and passionate about music as a form of ministry.
Rehearsal Time
- Fridays at 7PM
- Every First Saturday immediately after - All Things Are Possible (ATAP) 10:30AM.