O Lord Restore The Original Glory Of My Being - ATAP

CONFESSION: Father Lord, I am grateful for all that You have prepared for me this month. I am so sure that you have a plan for me to fulfill. I am so sure that You have made some physical and spiritual resources available for me. Therefore, I am grateful for Your deep thoughts concerning me and Your readiness to see to the success of Your purpose for me, in the name of Jesus.

Because I was not rebellious to the calling of God, He has inclined His heart to show me mercy and favor me beyond my wildest imagination. Therefore, by the endorsement of heaven over me, I declare and decree that just as no man can determine the path of the wind, where it is coming from, and where it is going, no agent of darkness will be able to monitor me this year. My going out and coming in shall be a mystery to them, in the name of Jesus.

I am not a pond of water; I am a river full of life, always fresh and forceful in its flow. No power can stop me. I am God’s battle axe, designed to cut down every tree God has not planted. I have been anointed with the Holy Ghost and fire; all the works of darkness have become stubble before me and will be consumed. I am light, I am bright, and my shining is from one end of the earth to another. At my appearance, darkness evaporates, and the power of God’s righteousness is established, in the name of Jesus.

I have God kind of life in me; the angels of God are with me, bringing the counsel of God to pass. I shall not waste away, I shall not be stagnant, I shall not be frustrated, I shall not suffer ungodly disappointments, I shall not be impoverished, I will not suffer a sudden loss of anything, I will not be disgraced and put to shame, and I shall not die because the Lord God Almighty is my helper, in the name of Jesus.

O Lord, I approach Your throne of grace and mercy in the volume of Your promises that when I ask anything according to Your will, You will hear and answer; therefore, I have come that You bring me into the original glory I had with You before I came into this realm of physical realities. O Lord, restore the glory of my destiny and bring me into Your perfect will for a time like this, in the name of Jesus.

O Lord, let the garment of glory that makes bold and confident, the garment of glory that no shame can come close to, the garment of glory that announces Your presence come upon me. O Lord, clothe me with the glory that makes all things bright and beautiful. The glory that makes the power of the Holy Spirit manifest, in the name of Jesus.

From this moment on, O Lord, let Your glory be upon me and everything I represent. Let Your glory be the trademark that separates me from the crowd and the guarantee that Your hand is upon me. Father Lord, I am grateful for all the beautiful things that are in store for me this month, in the name of Jesus.


  • To God be the glory for all the great things He has done, in the name of Jesus.
  • I bow my knees to the Shepherd and Bishop of my soul in adoration and worship, in the name of Jesus.
  • I renounce my sins and ask You O Lord for forgiveness and cleansing, in the name of Jesus.
  • Let every foothold of my accusers over the land allotted to me be removed, in the name of Jesus.
  • Let every accusing tongue wagging against me be condemned, in the name of Jesus.
  • Let the blood of the everlasting covenant prevail against any advancement of the wicked this year, in the name of Jesus.
  • Let the angels currently available to minister to me right now, arise and execute their assignments concerning me, in the name of Jesus.
  • Let them arise against any spirit of manipulation assigned to cause confusion, in the name of Jesus.
  • O Lord, arise for my help and remove whatever is discouraging any of my helpers from assisting me, in the name of Jesus.
  • Let God arise and let anything contrary to His glory in my life be removed now, in the name of Jesus.
  • Let the glory of the Lord rise and shine upon me, in the name of Jesus.
  • Let the glory of my destiny rise and shine like the lights in the firmament, in the name of Jesus.
  • Let the glory of God designed for marriage, career, and ministry rise and shine upon me, in the name of Jesus.
  • O Lord, I am trusting You for a glorious time this year, and I know I will not be ashamed in the name of Jesus.
  • Father Lord, thank You for answering all my prayers in the name of Jesus.

O Lord Restore The Original Glory Of My Being