I Will Enjoy The Harvest Of My Waiting On God

SCRIPTURE READING: ISA 40:29-31; PS 40:1; ISA 25:9; MICHA 7:7; ISA 30:18; LAM 3:24-26;

CONFESSION: O Lord, You are my God and I will forever be grateful for choosing me to belong to You. I will sing of Your goodness and mercy. I will declare Your righteousness in the assembly of the upright. You have done for me what no one has done or can ever do. You have carried me on the wings of Your grace. Your outstretched arm has lifted me out of the miry clay and set my feet on a rock to stay. Your gentleness has preserved me or else I would have been like those who are silent in the grave. I am forever indebted to You O Lord, in the name of Jesus.

The Bible says that weeping may go through the night but joy comes in the morning. The Bible also says that there is a time for everything under the sun. I believe, therefore, that I profess that God has brought me into a time and a season of harvest of extraordinary blessings for all the years of my waiting on Him. He is faithful, He is righteous, He is just and kind. He will not allow my waiting on Him to go to waste. He is a Rewarder to them that diligently seek Him. It is my time and turns to experience open heaven of the uncommon release of answers to my prayers. It is my time to experience the greatness of God’s power for provision, restoration, transformation, and total turnaround of events, in the name of Jesus.

Let a loud sound of rejoicing ring out of my home. Let it be noised abroad that God has done something great for me. Let me be the topic that people are discussing the uncommon favor of God that has manifested in my life. O Lord, let Your light so shine forth over me in the present darkness covering the earth, that the heathen will see it and come to You, in the name of Jesus.

By the favor of God, as I gain access into the banquet hall of God, let the banner of the love of God be raised up over my family. Let all the colors of God’s brilliant glory appear on me. Let me wear the beauty of God like a garment. Let the goodness of God be my necklace and His anointing for wealth as my head covering. Let wisdom and knowledge be the stability of my times. Let the peace of God that surpasses all human understanding be my wall of protection, in the name of Jesus.

I have made the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, the One mightier than the mightiest and greater than the greatest my God and my all in all. Therefore, I shall not be put to shame. I have no partnership or covenant with any other God, therefore His promises over me shall not fail. I will daily enjoy His faithfulness and lovingkindness.

Lines will fall for me in pleasant places. I shall daily enjoy heaven’s supernatural supplies. Angels will attend to me according to God’s assignments. Kings and queens will serve me and care for all my needs. They will bow themselves to the earth before me, in the name of Jesus.

I will testify that I sought the Lord and He answered me. I will testify that He delivered me from all my fears. I will testify that He did not allow me to wait in vain on Him, in the name of Jesus. Amen.


  • Unto You O Lord, I have come to bow my knees in worship and adoration, in the name of Jesus.
  • I have come to return all the praises back to You for all You have done in this year for me, in the name of Jesus.
  • Just as the firmaments are declaring Your glory, I join their chorus to say that You are good and Your mercies endure forever, in the name of Jesus.
  • From this hour and this day forward, a new order of events is starting, that will make all old things to pass away and make all things new, in the name of Jesus.
  • From this hour let the outstretched arm of God pull me away from every hindrance and difficulty, in the name of Jesus.
  • I receive the refreshing power of the Holy Spirit upon my spirit man, in the name of Jesus.
  • O Lord, I position myself by Your grace to receive the blessing that comes by the laying on of Your good hand, in the name of Jesus.
  • Just as the sea saw You O Lord and fled, let my adversaries see You and flee from me in this month, in the name of Jesus.
  • Just as the word of the king came to Joseph and he was loosed from his chains, let good news that will change my status come to me in this month, in the name of Jesus.
  • O Lord show Yourself mighty on my behalf all through this month, in the name of Jesus.
  • Let the power of God that is designed to make all things possible manifest in my life in this month, in the name of Jesus.
  • Once Joseph was lifted from the prison, he began to enjoy the progressive blessing, so shall my case be from this moment, in the name of Jesus.
  • O Lord let this month be the beginning of the showers of blessing I have been waiting for all these years, in the name of Jesus.
  • Let the unstoppable harvest of blessings of my waiting years begin today, in the name of Jesus.
  • O Lord give me reasons to laugh and rejoice in this month, in the name of Jesus.
  • By the grace of God that is in operation upon me, I shall not suffer any loss of life or property for the rest of the year, in the name of Jesus.
  • Every step I will take this month will produce progress and success, in the name of Jesus.
  • In this month as I call one, a thousand will answer me, in the name of Jesus.
  • I bring every member of my family under the protective covering of the Blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
  • O Lord have mercy over this country and let Your peace reign, in the name of Jesus.
  • Thank You for answering all my prayers, in the name of Jesus.

I Will Enjoy The Harvest Of My Waiting On God