April 2023 ATAP - By All Means O Lord Arise For My Help Now.

CONFESSION: Father of glory, the King of kings, the Father of lights in whom there is no darkness. Unto You I have come to bow in worship and adoration. You have shown me mercy beyond what I deserved, and Your grace has compassed me about like mountains surrounding Jerusalem. I am forever grateful for the innumerable blessings that You daily load me with. I cannot even imagine what life would have been without Your love, Your goodness and mercy, in the name of Jesus. 

The Bible says that with You O Lord all things are possible, and there is no want to those that fear You. You have never lost any battle, and You have never allowed anyone whose heart is steadied on You to be put to shame. Today I have run to You again the Rock of my Salvation, my Sure Anchor in the storm and my Ever-Present Helper in the time of trouble. I have come that Your will be done for me right now according to what You purposed for me even before I came to the point I am right now. I have come to You because I have no other gods to run to. I have come to You because vain is the help of any man without Your help. I have come to You on the basis of the multitudes of Your promises, in the name of Jesus. 

You are my Way Maker O Lord, arise and make a way for Your light to shine on me right now. You are my Provider, O Lord arise and let physical provisions of all I need to enjoy life become available right now, in the name of Jesus. You are my Healer, O Lord heal me of any known and unknown, any physical or spiritual, any mental or emotional hurt I have been dealing with all these years. Let my spirit man be made completely whole and new in You again, in the name of Jesus. 

Because Jesus came as a man into this world, and suffered according to the scriptures, He was crucified, He died, He was buried, He resurrected and ascended on high and all principalities and powers were made subject unto Him, I have passed from death to life, from condemnation to justification, from bondage to freedom, from rejection to adoption and from sin that brought shame to being the righteousness of God, in the name of Jesus. 

I cannot and I will not be limited. I cannot and I will not be put to shame. I cannot and I will not be stuck in life. I am progressively becoming what God planned for me even before I was conceived in my mother’s womb. I am united with Christ in His death and resurrection. I am seated with Him in heavenly places. I am a joint heir of the kingdom of God with Him. He won every battle I would ever need to fight in life on the Cross of Calvary when He defeated all the hosts of darkness with His perfect sacrifice. I am now free to live that victoriously blessed life Jesus suffered for me to enjoy, in the name of Jesus. 

I decree by the spirit of faith that every second, minute, hour, day and week of this month will cooperate with God to deliver all the blessings He has in mind for me. His timing and divine agenda will go as planned and I will have multiple reasons to sing and rejoice at the end of it, in the name of Jesus. 


  • Unto You O Lord I have brought an offering of thanksgiving for all You did for me last month, in the name of Jesus. 

  • I thank You O Lord because I know You will make all things to work together for my good, in the name of Jesus. 

  • Father Lord arise in Your power and by all means make all my enemies my footstool in this month, in the name of Jesus. 

  • Let me enjoy peace like never before O Lord, in the name of Jesus. 

  • Let every human being in charge of any blessing that is mine be willing and obedient to the voice of God to release to me, in the name of Jesus. 

  • By the help of God Almighty I shall not fall into any trap of the wicked in this month, in the name of Jesus. 

  • Let the mighty angels of God go ahead of me and remove all crookedness from my path, in the name of Jesus. 

  • O Lord arise in Your power and turn things around for my good in this month, in the name of Jesus. 

  • O Lord do that which will announce Your glory over me to the whole world, in the name of Jesus. 

  • O Lord convert every intimidating situation to a major testimony for me, in the name of Jesus. 

  • O Lord let Your mercy speak for me just as Jesus spoke for the woman caught in adultery, in the name of Jesus. 

  • You my personal angels arise in your power and carry out your divine assignments for me, in the name of Jesus. 

  • I command you my personal angels to go out and recover for me all my stolen blessings, in the name of Jesus. 

  • Let the power of God’s covenant speak for me this month, in the name of Jesus. 

  • Just as trees bow before a strong wind, let all agents of darkness bow before me this month, in the name of Jesus. 

  • O Lord arise on the wings of the riches of Your mercies and have mercy over this country, in the name of Jesus. 

  • O Lord visit my church and destroy all the works of darkness, in the name of Jesus. 

  • Let revival fire break out of my church this month, in the name of Jesus. 

  • Father touch everyone in my family and do that which only You can do in our lives, in the name of Jesus. 

  • Father Lord I am grateful for answering all my prayers. in the name of Jesus.

By All Means O Lord Arise For My Help Now