This first day in 2025, as I make these declarations of blessing over myself, heavens will back me up.
O Lord, you are the God of prosperity and divine providence and it is your will that I prosper in all that I lay my hands to do
God, you are able to do and will do exceedingly abundantly above all that I ask or think according to your mighty working power in me. Therefore, as I ask, you will arise for my help and do far above my petition this year, in the name of Jesus
Let one of the chief princes of God be released for my sake this new year. Let him put to flight all the hosts of darkness poised to resist my prayer, in the name of Jesus
Like a wildfire in a dry season burning through a dry bush, I break through every demonic gate and gatekeeper assigned to keep me out of my inheritance this year, in the name of Jesus
Because God has armed me with strength, I break through every anti-success, anti-purpose, anti-destiny, and anti-prosperity forces that might be waiting to resist me this year, in the name of Jesus
No limitation and restriction will prosper upon the work of my hands this year, in the name of Jesus
I break through into my wealthy place and supernatural abundance in this land, for it is written, “God has already given me every place where the sole of my feet shall tread upon”, in the name of Jesus
I arise, I advance and I mount up with wings like an eagle to the height God has chosen for me this year, in the name of Jesus
I am enriched in every way so that whatever I set my hands on will result in a good success, in the name of Jesus
My diligent hands are made rich this year according to the promise of God, in the name of Jesus
I decree and declare that my sphere of influence is greatly and daily increasing. My network and net worth are also increasing, in the name of Jesus
Isaac sowed in the land and reaped a hundredfold harvest because God blessed him, I ask you O Lord to put your hand on my business and my career so I can also prosper like Isaac, in the name of Jesus
I declare the blessing of Abraham on the work of my hands, in the name of Jesus
I declare this year as the year my eyes are open to see the territories God has given me and I will possess them all, in the name of Jesus
I declare the grace of ease and speed over my destiny, in the name of Jesus
Because God is my shepherd, he is leading me to my greener pastures. My ears are open to his voice and the voice of a stranger I will not follow, in the name of Jesus
O Lord make this new year my year of restoration of all I have lost and the resources that have been wasted, in the name of Jesus
2025 will release to me both the former and the latter rain of your blessing, O Lord, in the name of Jesus
God is at war against any principality, against any power, any demonic spirit and personality that is at war against my prosperity in this new year, in the name of Jesus
In the name of Jesus, I rebuke the devourers, the wasters and destroyers that have operated against me up until now, in the name of Jesus
I decree that no enchantment, no divination, and no demonic pronouncement will be able to influence the work of my hands this year, in the name of Jesus
The blood of Jesus is consistently speaking the mind of God over my life, therefore, no demonic seed planted in the mind of my helpers will take root, it will not be cultivated, nurtured, or nourished
When Jesus arose from the grave, I also arose from every position of lifelessness. When the powers of death and hell lost their hold over him, they also lost their hold over my destiny, my career, and my life, in the name of Jesus
It is written that whoever the son of God sets free is free indeed, I decree that I am free from all entanglements, from all strongholds, from all destiny altering powers, I am free from psychological imprisonments and limitations, in the name of Jesus
From this year going forward, I reject all inherited sickness, disease, and infirmity that flows through the blood line, in the name of Jesus
The Bible says that if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. O Lord by your word heal the land of my destiny, heal the land of my marriage, heal the land of my finance, heal the land of my career and all that I lay my hands on, in the name of Jesus
It is the will of God for me to enjoy sound mind and body; therefore, I decree and declare that every organ in my body will function just as God has designed and ordained it, in the name of Jesus
It is fulfilled as prophesied in the word of God that Jesus himself took away all my infirmities and bore all my sicknesses on the cross of Calvary, therefore, I decree divine regression over all coronary and artery disease and all cerebral and vascular disease, in the name of Jesus
I decree and declare that my bones, my muscles, my nerves are strong, in the name of Jesus
My body is free from all endocrine related diseases, in the name of Jesus.
I forbid autoimmune disorder in my body, in the name of Jesus
I superimpose the victory of Jesus over all spiritually provoked sickness and disease in my body, in the name of Jesus
According to Psalm 107 verse 20; it is written that God sent his word and healed them and delivered them from their destruction. Therefore, I am delivered from any cardiovascular related disease, in the name of Jesus
My neurological system is free from all disease and disorder, in the name of Jesus
My pulmonary and gastrointestinal systems are free from all blockages, in the name of Jesus
My renal and hematological systems will not fail, in the name of Jesus
I decree and declare that my body shall not suffer any disease that can cause body deformation and immobility, in the name of Jesus
I reject all forms of sleep disorder and night restlessness, in the name of Jesus
I declare that my body will not be a habitation for tumors, for melanoma, for lymphoma, for leukemia, for carcinoma, for lung cancer, for breast cancer, for pancreatic cancer, for prostate cancer, for ovarian cancer, for liver cancer, for skin cancer, and gastric cancer, in the name of Jesus
By the help of God, I flush out all mild and chronic infections from my body, in the name of Jesus
I terminate all forms of aches and pains in my body, in the name of Jesus
My eyes shall not grow dim; just as my days are, so is my strength, in the name of Jesus
I will not at any time in my life suffer memory loss related afflictions, in the name of Jesus
I will spend my time in pleasure and prosperity
Because the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross was a perfect sacrifice, I decree and declare that provision for my healing and restoration is perfectly and eternally established, in the name of Jesus
I believe this year will be the best so far for me and my household. I have confessed it, and so shall it be, in the name of Jesus. Amen