God Will Establish And Settle Me

CONFESSION: Father Lord I have brought my thanksgiving offering again this month. I have come to return all the glory and adoration to You. I have come to say You are worthy to be praised. You are worthy to be adored. You are worthy to be glorified. You are worthy to be exalted. Your name is worthy to be extolled and magnified. You are worthy to be worshipped. You are worthy of all the glory available in the natural and the spiritual realm. I join my voice with billions of others to say thank You Lord for who You are and for all You have freely given me, in the name of Jesus.

This is the month the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. The same grace that has kept me through this pandemic period will continue to keep me and perfect all that pertains to me. This grace will continue to exempt me from the pestilence and the destruction that is wasting lives. I will not be counted among the unfortunate in this year. Since my trust is in God who has favored me, I shall not break down and I will not go down, in the name of Jesus.

I have confidence in You, O Lord. I have confidence in the efficacy of Your word and in all Your promises concerning me. I have confidence in Your plan for me to succeed. I have confidence in Your covenant. I am confident that since You are not a man that changes his mind, what You said You have done for me will surely manifest in due season to the glory of Your name, in the name of Jesus.

O Lord You are a God of justice rewarding those that diligently seek You. You have told us that our labor of love will never be in vain and You have demonstrated Your faithfulness by the multitudes of the examples we see in the Bible. Until You visited Sarah as You had said and did unto her as You had promised for a season it seemed as if Abraham was just wasting his time serving You. At a time it seemed as if Joseph was trusting You for nothing until the day came that the king’s messenger was sent to call him from the prison and all his dreams became instant reality. David lamented that he would have lost heart unless he had believed that he would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Just at the time You had appointed for him to ascend the throne; his enemy perished by his own sword and David was elevated, in the name of Jesus.

I have come unto You based on the same covenant to receive my own divine settlement. I have had my own share of waiting period. I have gone through so much in the hands of my haters and oppressors. I have suffered untold frustrations and disappointments in the hands of those I thought were my friends. I have been mocked by those who have concluded that my help is not in God. They said if God could help me why has He not answered me all these years. The Bible says as for God His way is perfect, His word has been tried and proven to be a shield to those who trust in Him. I have made up my mind not to trust in any other god. I have set my face like a flint to seek the face of the Lord and I know I shall not be put to shame, in the name of Jesus.

It is not in my power to work out how God is going to settle my case. I don’t have to fret myself because of those who seem to be having the best time of their lives while I wait on God. One thing is very sure, when the Lord would have restored my fortunes, I will sing like Zion when their captives returned home. I will sing yes, I will sing. I will speak of the goodness of the Lord to me. I will declare his greatness in the congregation of the saints. I will bask in the glory of God and enjoy double for all my trouble. For my shame there shall be honor. For all my losses, I will enjoy hundred-fold restoration.

Father Lord I return all the glory and honor to You for a better year ahead. I thank You because 2021 will be a year of all round blessing and victory. It will be a year of multiple testimonies. It is a year we will see fewer deaths and more life. I will be there to experience every blessing that God has reserved for me in 2021. I will not hear or see any evil, all will be well with me and my family all through the year, in the name of Jesus.


  • Father Lord I thank You for keeping me alive at a time like this, in the name of Jesus.
  • I thank You for Your faithfulness, Your compassion and mercies that are new every morning, in the name of Jesus.
  • As I lift up my voice this hour in praise and prayer let the portals of heaven open for me and let the angels of God attend to me, in the name of Jesus.
  • I plead the power in the blood of Jesus over every piece of furniture and every material in this house, I decree that nothing will serve as a conduit for demonic spirits in my house, in the name of Jesus.
  • Let the angels of light descend into my neighborhood right now and shine the light of God upon every house one mile radius of this house, in the name of Jesus.
  • I reverse the negative effects of any wrong confession I have ever made over any situation in my life, in the name of Jesus.
  • O Lord arise and give me Your irreversible victory over every stubborn adversary of my destiny, in the name of Jesus.
  • Let every tongue speaking things contrary to Your will for me be silenced, in the name of Jesus.
  • Let every weapon of warfare fashioned against me be destroyed, in the name of Jesus.
  • Let Your power of good overcome the power of the evils of my enemies, in the name of Jesus.
  • O Lord visit me and settle me just as You did for Sarah, in the name of Jesus.
  • O Lord remember me and settle me just as You did for Mordecai, in the name of Jesus.
  • Let my cry ascend unto You as the cry of Jonah from the belly of the whale and let there be instant response from heaven, in the name of Jesus.
  • Because I trust in the prophet You have sent to me, let me prosper and because of my faith in You let me be established, in the name of Jesus.
  • O Lord let this season be unto me a season of divine settlement and establishment, in the name of Jesus.
  • Everyone in my family will enjoy one form of blessing after the other, in the name of Jesus.
  • By the grace of God this year will not see my end, I will see the end of it, in the name of Jesus.
  • We will end this year rejoicing and dancing, in the name of Jesus.
  • Begin to intercede for your church and all the ministers, that God will continue to keep them holy and righteous, in the name of Jesus.
  • Pray for the peace of this country and for the smooth transition of power in January, in the name of Jesus.

God Will Establish And Settle Me