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CONFESSION: I join myself with the heavens to declare the glory of God. As the firmament is showing forth His handwork, so I also proclaim his goodness in my life. I will sing of Your goodness and Your mercies all the days of my life. I will meditate on all Your past deeds, I will ponder on all You have done for me. Every time I consider how much You have favored me, my heart overflows with gratitude, in the name of Jesus.

Awake, O my spirit man and put on the strength of the Lord Most High, for the appointed time to experience the Power of the Right Hand of God is here. The time of exceeding and abundant grace is here. The time of fulfillment of God’s promises is here. The time of everlasting joy is here. I will not slumber nor sleep in the day of my blessing, in the name of Jesus.

It is written that I shall be the head only and not the tail, I shall be above and never beneath. God has made me the head of nations and a people I do not know shall serve me. I will glory in my God and I shall rejoice in the portion He has allotted unto me. Gentiles will see the light of God in me and serve my God. I am a light to those that are in darkness and hope to those who are hopeless. The Lord Himself has perfected His praise in my mouth and I shall sing of the Power of His right hand, in the name of Jesus.

God is the head of Jesus, Jesus is the head of the church, the man is the head of the woman, and because Jesus is my head, I am destined for greatness. My head is for blessing and God has crowned me with endless blessing, in the name of Jesus.

From this moment forward, I reject anything and everything contrary to blessing in my head. I reject bad luck, I reject rejection, I reject disappointment, I reject bewitchment and enchantment, I reject the mark of disfavor, in the name of Jesus.

The blessing of the head is upon me, the blessing of God’s favor is upon me, the blessing of God that makes one rich without sorrow is upon me, the blessing of breaking through with ease is upon me, the anointing that turns curses to blessing is upon me, in the name of Jesus.

I declare and decree by faith that I will only see good and enjoy good in this land of the living because I delight in good and not in evil. As long as I do not operate with evil spirits against anyone, whoever is using evil spirit to deal with me shall not prosper. Their wickedness will only return back to them, in the name of Jesus.

God will arise for me and show me favor; He will strengthen my arms against my adversaries. He will give me irreversible victory over all challenges of life that I am facing right now. He will fill my heart with unspeakable joy and fill my tongue with songs of praises. Today marks the beginning of mounting up with wings as eagles, of enjoying the blessings of open heavens and mighty outpouring of the anointing of God upon me. Hope is rising up in me for I know I will see better days than I have ever seen in the name of Jesus.

God will fill everyday in this new month with diverse blessings. He will crown my head with endless blessings. He will bless the work of my hands. He will turn around my situations. He will restore all lost profitable relationships. He will give me the power to be productive and fruitful in all that I do. I decree by the spirit of the living God that it is well with me already because it is only the counsel of God Almighty that will prosper in my life, all the plans and agenda of the wicked against me are already frustrated, in the name of Jesus. Thank you my Heavenly Father for the assurance of answered prayers. Amen.

  • Father Lord I am grateful again for all the blessings and benefits You loaded me with last month.
  • Father Lord I thank You for all that You did for me without even praying last month.
  • I thank You because I know You are prepared to bless me again with all that I need in this month, in the name of Jesus.
  • O Lord arise and let this house be filled with the joy and power of Your presence.
  • I dismantle every stronghold of principalities and powers operating in this neighborhood, in the name of Jesus.
  • Let the presence of God in this room evict all the spiritual strangers in this neighborhood, in the name of Jesus.
  • O Lord arise by Your mercies and crown my days with blessings and peace, in the name of Jesus.
  • Let generational curses be replaced with generational blessings, in the name of Jesus.
  • In this month, I will possess all my possessions according to the plans of God for me, in the name of Jesus.
  • In this month the appropriate angels shall be dispatched from heaven to attend to me.
  • The presence of God has already gone ahead of me in this month; therefore I am destined to succeed, in the name of Jesus.
  • I will enjoy the blessing of goodwill of the people all around me, in the name of Jesus.
  • I receive the grace to enjoy the favor of endless blessing, in the name of Jesus.
  • By faith I draw from the well of God’s abundant benevolence in this month, in the name of Jesus.
  • The Holy Spirit will lead me in the right path and I shall not be frustrated, in the name of Jesus.
  • Because everyone in my family is protected by the blood of Jesus we are safe from all tragedies in this month, in the name of Jesus.
  • O Lord arise for us in this country and have mercy upon us, in the name of Jesus.
  • O Lord save us from those who are hell bent in destroying this country, in the name of Jesus.
  • Intercede for your church, friends and family and give God praise for answered prayers.

God Has Crown My Head With Endless Blessing