Confession And Prayer For Businesses And Careers

O Lord I am grateful for all you have done, what you are currently doing, and what you will do after this prayer meeting, in the name of Jesus 

As I approach Your throne of grace o lord, I obtain mercy and I find grace in this time of need, in the name of Jesus 

Because I am seated with Christ in heavenly places, I wage my warfare from that realm of power and authority, and I decree and declare that my victory is already established, in the name of Jesus

O Lord, You are the God of prosperity and divine providence and it is Your will that I prosper in all that I lay my hand to do, in the name of Jesus

God, you are able to do and will do exceedingly abundantly above all that I ask or think according to your mighty power at work in me. therefore, as I ask, You will arise for my help and do far above my prayer and petition, in the name of Jesus

I release angelic hosts to arise for me right now; let them put to flight all the hosts of darkness poised to resist my prayer. Let any ruler of darkness in this neighborhood hear the word of God and move out of the path of my prayer this morning, in the name of Jesus

Like a wildfire in a dry season burning through a dry bush, I break through every demonic gate and gatekeeper assigned to keep me out of my inheritance as a child of the most High God, in the name of Jesus

Because God has armed me with strength, I break through all anti-success, anti-purpose, anti-destiny, and anti-prosperity forces, in the name of Jesus 

I break off any limitation and restriction placed upon the work of my hands through ungodly inheritance and consequences of ancestral worship, in the name of Jesus 

I break through into my wealthy place and supernatural abundance in this land of the living. for it is written, “God has already given me every place where the sole of my feet shall tread upon, in the name of Jesus

I declare that I am the market leader in the area of business and career I have chosen, in the name of Jesus 

I am daily increasing in wisdom and insight that will place me far above all my contemporaries, in the name of Jesus

I arise, I advance and I mount up with wings like an eagle to the height God has chosen for me, in the name of Jesus

I am enriched in every way so that whatever I set my hands on will result in good success, in the name of Jesus

My diligent hands are made rich according to the promise of God, in the name of Jesus.  My 

sphere of influence is greatly and  daily increasing, in the name of Jesus

Isaac sowed in the land and reaped a hundredfold harvest because God blessed him, I ask you Lord, to put your hand on my business and my career, so I also can prosper like Isaac, in the name of Jesus

I declare the blessing of Abraham on the work of my hands. I receive the covenant blessing that will affect every area of my life, and project me to the top right now, in the name of Jesus

God did not intend for me to just cater to a few people, He had nations in mind, therefore, I declare that my eyes are open to see the territories God has given me and I will possess them all, in the name of Jesus

I declare the grace of ease and speed over the work of my hand, in the name of Jesus 

Because God is my shepherd, He is leading me to my greener pastures. my ears are open to His voice and the voice of a stranger and a detractor I will not follow, in the name of Jesus

O Lord restore to me the years that have been lost, the resources and opportunities that have been wasted, in the name of Jesus 

I receive both the former and the latter rain of your blessing, O Lord, on my business and my career, in the name of Jesus

God is at war against any principality, against any power, any demonic spirit and personality that is at war against my prosperity and advancement, in the name of Jesus 

In the name of Jesus, I rebuke the devourers, the wasters and destroyers that have operated against me up until now, in the name of Jesus 

I decree that no enchantment, no divination, and no demonic pronouncement will be able to influence the work of my hands any more, in the name of Jesus 

The gate of my life is permanently shut against satanic invasions of the devourers, the wasters, the destroyers and the emptiers, in the name of Jesus

The blood of Jesus is consistently speaking the mind of God over my life, therefore, no demonic seed planted in the mind of my helpers will take root, it will not be cultivated, nurtured, or nourished, in the name of Jesus 

When Jesus arose from the grave, I also arose from every position of lifelessness. when the powers of death and hell lost their hold over him, they also lost their hold over my destiny, my career, and my life, in the name of Jesus

it is written whoever the Son of God sets free is free indeed, I decree that I am free from all entanglements, from all strongholds, from all destiny altering powers, I am free from psychological imprisonments and limitations, in the name of Jesus 

I am free from any bondage associated with my ancestral blood line from both parents. I am free from any family pattern of career failure, I am free from the curse of poverty,  in the name of Jesus

I decree and declare that i will make my mark. I will reach the pinnacle of my career. I will surpass the best in the area of my specialty. I will possess all that god has approved for me. 

I will be exactly who God created me to be. wealth and riches will be in my household and my righteousness will endure forever, in the name of Jesus. 

Father Lord, I am grateful for granting my request after the order of Jabez. from this moment what God has finished in the realm of the spirit will begin to manifest in the physical and nothing will ever be able to stop it again, in the name of Jesus. 

I seal my confession with the blood of the everlasting covenant, and I declare and decree it is done, in the name of Jesus.

Confession And Prayer For Businesses And Careers