The Lord Is My Portion, Therefore I Hope In Him

CONFESSION: God has proven His goodness and mercy again, He has made a way, and shown that He is completely in charge of my life. I am eternally grateful again for the day I received Christ into my life and made Him the Lord over me. I am grateful for the peace that came and has remained in me. I am grateful for the confidence that, as long as He is my Savior, I shall never be put to shame. I am grateful for daily loading me with blessings and benefits, in the name of Jesus. 

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I Forbid End Of The Year Misfortunes

CONFESSION: God has proven His goodness and mercy again, He has made a way, and shown that He is completely in charge of my life. I am eternally grateful again for the day I received Christ into my life and made Him the Lord over me. I am grateful for the peace that came and has remained in me. I am grateful for the confidence that, as long as He is my Savior, I shall never be put to shame. I am grateful for daily loading me with blessings and benefits, in the name of Jesus. 

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I Surrender All My Fears, Doubts And Worries To God

CONFESSION: God has proven His goodness and mercy again, He has made a way, and shown that He is completely in charge of my life. I am eternally grateful again for the day I received Christ into my life and made Him the Lord over me. I am grateful for the peace that came and has remained in me. I am grateful for the confidence that, as long as He is my Savior, I shall never be put to shame. I am grateful for daily loading me with blessings and benefits, in the name of Jesus. 

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O Lord Open The Heart Of My Helpers

CONFESSION: God has proven His goodness and mercy again, He has made a way, and shown that He is completely in charge of my life. I am eternally grateful again for the day I received Christ into my life and made Him the Lord over me. I am grateful for the peace that came and has remained in me. I am grateful for the confidence that, as long as He is my Savior, I shall never be put to shame. I am grateful for daily loading me with blessings and benefits, in the name of Jesus. 

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First Hour, First Day Of The Month Scripture Confessions

First Hour, First Day Of The Month Scripture Confessions The Bible says whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.I believe, therefore, I speak and whatever I speak into this new month shall manifest according to the word of God on which my faith is standing, in the name of Jesus. 1. SCRIPTURE DECLARATION: ROM 11:16; NIV If the part of the dough offered as firstfruits is holy, then the whole batch…

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Replacing negative labels with the marks of Christ

Because Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price for your freedom from the power of the kingdom of darkness, you are free to be who God wants you to be. You are free to excel. You are free to prosper in all that you lay your hands to do. Therefore, any strange spiritual marks working against the plan of God for you are erased by the blood of Jesus. God is replacing any negative name people have ever called you because of any problem in your life. God is giving you a new name that will reflect His glory, His…

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God Will Establish And Settle Me

Glory to God you made it to the last month in this unforgettable year. A year we all saw the devastation of Covid-19 and also experienced a great deliverance through the mighty hand of  God. I join you to rejoice and to return all the glory to God for His faithfulness and mercies over you. I pray that the same uncommon grace that God bestowed over you to make you see the end of this year will make you see the end of all afflictions, it will make you see the end of all disappointments, it will make you see…

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